Lift Station Maintenance
Every lift station needs to undergo maintenance, cleaning, and inspection every couple of months. This complex mechanical system full of toxic gas and hazards requires professionals to handle dangerous waste. To ensure your lift station is operating efficiently and effectively, keep up with maintenance and cleaning.
If you're unsure what signs you'll observe when your lift station requires a cleaning, here are a few indicators:
- A foul odor around the septic tank area.
- The pump is running double time, wasting electricity and costly to fix.
- The basic system stops functioning correctly.
If you notice these symptoms, contact a professional to perform a lift station cleaning. Trying to clean it yourself could result in a serious injury.
Are you wondering what's involved in lift station maintenance? The first step is to use strong cleaning solutions and pressure wash the sewage system to jumpstart the cleaning process. Acidic chemicals are the most effective way to clear out hardened buildup that has accumulated over the years. Lastly, the professionals will use aerators and biological treatments to sanitize and reduce foul odors.
The best way to avoid costly replacements and repairs is to hire professionals for your pump station maintenance. Providence Environmental has the knowledge and expertise to service your lift station correctly. You don't know what type of damage or buildup has accumulated over the past months, nor will you have the tools needed to remove the stains.
Providence Environmental understands that each client has different needs. We want to nurture and develop each of those client relationships to best serve your business. No matter what, we will protect our customers, staff, and environment by following our guiding principle: “do the right thing.” A lift station is a vital component of a sewage system that Providence Environmental will ensure runs efficiently. If you're ready to see how we can best serve you, call us today. We're ready to professionally handle your pump station cleaning!