3 Safe and Effective Ways To Dispose of Cooking Oil

If there’s one thing you should know about disposing of cooking oil, it’s to never, EVER dump it down the drain. Doing so can cause clogs in your drains or sewage system. These clogs can even affect your neighbors and result in costly damages. Instead, follow these three safe and effective ways to dispose of cooking oil.

Add to the Compost

If you’re cooking with 100 percent vegetable oil, you can add it to the compost. These oils are natural and perfectly safe to add to your compost pile. Oils included in this category are olive, coconut, sunflower, grapeseed, soy, and corn.

One exception is if you’re cooking with animal fat or using the above oils for cooking animal protein. Adding this fat or oil to your compost pile can attract bugs or animals.

Fun Composting Fact

Earthworms love eating cooking oil! So, consider adding your next batch of pure cooking oil to your compost pile.

Hire a Used Cooking Oil Service Provider

Since restaurants use loads of cooking oil, they install grease traps. Grease traps store the oil, fat, and grease until professionals can come and clean the oil from the device. If you’re opening your restaurant in the South Carolina area and you’ve been looking for a grease trap and used cooking oil service provider, consider our team at Providence Environmental. We provide exceptional restaurant grease pickup services for commercial kitchens state-wide. Our high-quality equipment and expert team can handle the heat, so you can keep creating delicious meals in the kitchen.

Dispose With Household Waste

This disposal method can be beneficial if you’re still in the early stages of opening your first restaurant. Before you dump the oil directly into the garbage, there are a few best practices to keep in mind. Let the oil cool down before you discard it anywhere. It’s best to store it in sealable jars. Keep one below your sink, and when it’s full, throw it out. Ensure you seal the container properly.

Safe and effective cooking oil disposal is crucial for a properly working kitchen drain. The above tips should help you keep your pipes free and clear, and the plumber visits few and far between.

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